Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Surprise Cupcake! Err.. PARTY!

Back in April this boy I kind of like had a birthday. So being as crazy as I am I took on the task of organizing a surprise party. I started by emailing all of his friends/family.... which sounded something like this:

Oh, Hello!
So here's the scoop. I'm a putz of a girlfriend and my life is running behind.
Justin's bday is Wednesday, April 4th. I'd love to get some people together to go out for his birthday dinner. But on the hush hush.
Surprise! All the people you happen to know are at the same restaurant. Weee!
Feel free to invite/bring other people. Just let me know when you RSVP about it. No one wants to stand and eat. 
The Place :
Red Mesa Grill
117 Water Street
Boyne City
The Time:
Your arrival at 7 PM would be appreciated. I will make a reservation and the arrangements ahead of time, you'll just have to tell them you are there for Justin's bday when you show up.
We will be there around 7:20-30 (giving myself a few extra minutes for traffic and hair emergencies, and also some time for you slackers . Have I told you how much I love you? )
A favor: I may need one of you to take a GINORMOUS cupcake over with you so it can be there before we are. It may or may not be filled with ice cream but it will certainly be made mostly out of Guinness.
An RSVP by Sunday April 1st (no fools, yo.) would be stupendous.
Thanks! You're the best!

His friends and family but on their best and we had ourselves a party! But not until after some cupcake magic by yours truly. I called my boss (which I never do because she's a very busy lady) and asked her to cover for me one afternoon. Then I went and got my bake on. Making the largest cupcake I could! MUAH HA HA (evil villain laugh).
It took a lot of people to pull this off. The girls picked up the cupcake and took it to the restaurant, his friends kept their mouths shut, and I got fancy. Oh, and Justin got surprised!
We were even late because I forgot to tell him we had a reservation so he was taking his sweet a** time to get ready.

Surprise face! (Justin later said that he thought we had to eat dinner in a room full of small children because every one was crouched down and hidden). 

Mondo Cupcake. I was going to make it Guinness and Bailey's but at the last minute he said the Whopper cupcakes were his favorite. 

The gang! You guys are the best!

End of the evening picture. Justin dancing with our favorite bartender, Mike. And Karin, off to the side ready to pee her pants :)

Tag line*PeePants!

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