Saturday, December 22, 2012

We're having a very white Christmas!

First off, I'm glad you all survived the apocalypse. Hope you came out stronger than ever. I didn't get into the hype of it. Although my favorite Mayan excuse was "Well, it was pretty cold and snowy there for a few minutes, so we were kind of right". And boy did they get that right!

I even talked Justin and my mother into opening juuusssst one present in case. Wouldn't want all that hard work shopping and wrapping to go to waste. I got a great new apron (I'll take pics eventually) and a Pandora bead shaped like Michigan. :)

Here in Gaylord we ended up getting almost 19" overnight. We literally went from no show to hella crazy snow just like that. It started on Thursday so I closed up shop early so I could get out of the mess and go home. And by Friday we had so much that it took us until almost 1 pm to get the cars cleared off and get out of the driveway. Also, I didn't have to go to work. Thank God we have a 4-wheel drive Blazer!

This is our house on Friday morning. Looks cute even buried in snow :)

 A shot of downtown

This is our front porch, sort of :)  

Had to get the big broom out to clean off the cars. The poor Moments Mobile is still pretty covered. I gave up, it was hard work.  

Justin, snow blowing the driveway. Me, cleaning cars. Mind you he rolled out of bed and went out in his PJ's  when I put my carhart overalls & coat on, gloves & a hat. He's crazy.  

So there you have it snow-pocalypse 2012. Anyone else have any crazy weather like we did? 


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