Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Showing Gratitude

I've got a few updates for you.......

First off I'd really like to say thank you, thank you, thank you for all the excitement and enthusiasm about the house. We haven't closed yet.... dun dun dunnnn. It was supposed to happen on Monday but the title company is running behind so we are waiting on them. Our realtor, who has been really great, thinks we will be able to get it done sometime this week but he's not sure when. I think it'll be one of those things that all of a sudden is like Blue Team, go go go!!! It's closing time!!! but that's just me. I'd love to live in a world where sounds effects and theme music were a reality.
Justin and I sat down the other night and made a whole list of things we'd like to accomplish before we move in so for those of you that have volunteered to help do not fret, we have plenty of work for all of you. :) I'm amazed at you guys. SO many of you stepped up and offered to help paint, knock walls down, do electrical things and fix some plumbing issues. You're so swell!

Speaking of things I'm grateful for - we did an exercise in church the other day where we all shared our favorite thing about our congregation. For me it was the fact that our church has been part of my family since the 40's. That's really incredible. My Grandpa's brother was the first man from Gaylord to die in world war 2 so our church library is named in his honor. My mom is even on her way to becoming a church elder. Then a few days later during our LCM (Leading Congregations in Mission) meeting we each said something to the other members about a skill they had that that we appreciated. (There are only 8 people in this group). I got a little choked up when it was my turn to speak because I realized we don't focus on the positive often enough. Of course, at Thanksgiving we all count our blessings and give our praises to everyone and everything we know but how often do we do it the rest of the year? Not often enough. One of the nicest compliments I got during that discussion was that they appreciated how in love Justin and I are. It seems like a funny thing to have someone else tell you but it really is true. The gal that gave me the compliment is in her 30's, is married and has 2 girls. She said it is always a nice reminder that she doesn't have to be a stiff married person and that seeing us be so in love makes her love her husband more. WOW! If that isn't the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. I have friends that put Justin and I's public lovey-ness to shame. *CoughCoughTiffandAlCoughCough* and every time we spend time with them it's a reminder to me to squeeze Justin a little harder next time I get the chance.

My friends are another thing I am hugely grateful for. I have some true blue, thick and thin, never going anywhere friends. Thank you. My friends have taught me how to stick up for myself, how to speak my mind, how to walk away from bad situations, and how to forgive. They have helped me move, supported me endlessly, and picked me up during blizzards (literally and metaphorically). All with out questioning, expecting, lecturing or being mad. I have learned from each person I have truly let into my life. That in itself isn't easy for me. I had a few work friends tell me once that it's like they can only get so close. They learn so much and then they hit a wall. What can I say, I'm human. I'm afraid of being hurt and let down. So really, for those of you that persisted, pushed and weaseled your way into my life, thank you. There's also those friends that were close at one point and then we drifted apart. Although it makes me sad that we may not be as close as we once were I'm still thankful for the times we shared.

As always, Family. My mom is my #1. There's no way to express in words the amount of gratitude, love, respect and admiration I have for her. I learned to be the caring, independent, professional person I am from her. She never let the fact that she was a single mother slow her down in any way. She never used it as an excuse or discounted time with me because she was too busy. I wish I had paid more attention to all the things she had to do on a daily basis when I was younger. I know that even thought I brought every animal under the sun home and promised to take care of them, that really, it meant more work for me. I know that wanting horse riding lessons was not only a time commitment but a financial one as well and she stuck with it as long as I did. When we lived in Arizona mom used to take me to Einstein Bagels in the morning for breakfast. By about the third day I had come home with a whole list of things kids in my class wanted. I'm sure she was thinking "are you serious Megan?!" but she and I went to Einsteins the next morning and fulfilled everyone's order. Her kind heart never turned anyone away. When I grow up if I can say that I turned out just like my mother that means I did something right.

More about family..... I am thrilled to be an honorary member of the Hacker family. Even though I'm still not sure if Grandma Rita loves me or hates me they are an amazing family. Ron and Colleen have hearts that would give, and give, and give, and even when they ran out of things to give they would give some more. They raised Justin to be an incredibly loving and caring person. It's true that you emulate your surroundings. Ron and Colleen are helping us with the purchase of the our home. They are also helping with repairs and whatnot. We owe many thanks to them.

I am also thankful for...............THE BEATLES! What? Lol. I really am. Sometimes I wish that I would have been born in a different generation so I could have experienced them in full magnitude but then I think that if I had been alive when they were huge I would have been 'too cool' to like them. So I am just as thankful that I appreciate them now. The Beatles get me through everything. Love, sadness, hyper active road trips and more.

And you guys! I am constantly surprised at the amount of people that actually read this. It comes up in the strangest ways. I got an email from one of our brides that wanted to know how the closing went because she read my blog. Apparently my mom has emailed it to my entire family so I've been getting little notes of congratulations and encouragement. Justin comes home and says that all of his coworkers want to come to the house warming party and are volunteering to help because they read the blog. HI Zip's Gals!
It's just amazing. I'm sure every time you log in you don't know what to expect but you keep coming back. I love it. Thanks to the people that actually admit they read it. And for you sneaky people that never say anything but then suddenly I've gone from 30  to 60 views, I will figure out who you are. :) Seriously, you guys are the coolest.

Well I think I should sign off now. Oh, and Muffin is doing much better. :) She is back out in her regular pasture with the other horses. She's running, jumping and kicking up her horsey heels. The farrier was amazed with how well she's doing. He says I can start working her lightly again and I should even be able to start riding soon. Wow. I honestly thought we were going to lose her and she just bounced back like nothing ever happened. Another reminder of appreciating what you have.


Also, here's a song for you. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome to the Casa!

We are closing on our band new, super awesome, appliance missing house on Monday! Yippee!!

First of all I would like to clarify that since Justin and I are neither married nor engaged we will not be calling this house the Hacker residence or the Parkes manor. That being said we need to come up with a super sweet nickname for the house so when I invite people over I can be like "Hey you wanna swing by the party den later?" Not party den tho, that sounds stupid. Pinball Playroom? Yuck! That sounds like so many bad things I don't even want to type them out. BDubs? Nope, already taken. Pez Factory? Also weird. I want it to sound relaxing but also like there are many crazy fun adventures to be had. And no, Megan and Justin's house doesn't make the cut either. Cupcake Machine? No, that makes it sound like every time you come over I'm going to make you do manual labor. Maybe I need to give it some time. Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments below.

On to the grand tour!

This is it! Our little slice of heaven. Located right in town. Aprox. 6 blocks from downtown. The cool/strange thing is our road, and the one right behind us is "out of town" meaning we aren't in the city limits. Also meaning yeah cheaper taxes!! Once spring hits I want to paint the shutters and trim around the garage. I don't care for the dark paint but if that's the only thing about the house that bugs me so be it! 

This is our dining room. My mom thinks the chandelier is the most atrocious thing she's ever seen but I love it!  It just needs to be cleaned up some. I've already picked out the perfect dining room table. We can comfortably seat 6. And uncomfortably seat 8. :)
This is our brand new OFFICE!!!! For those of you that have been in our current apartment you know why I am soooooooooo excited to have an actual office. Our work stuff has taken over the living room and I am constantly feeling like I need to do more work. It'll be so nice to have a space that when I go in I can close the door, buckle down, and get sh*t done. But also a space that when I want to relax I can close the door and not have to think about it. Yay office!! Oh another cool thing about it is there is a door to the garage so we can back the car up and unload the photo booth stuff directly into it's home. No more dragging it all over the house.
This is the kitchen. Where I will be doing kitchen-y type things. We still need to get a fridge but that's no biggie. On the wall directly to the right we are going to punch a hole in it and make it a pass through space from the living room to the kitchen. There will also be a lower counter and the stove will be there so I can prep and bake to my hearts content. Now accepting applications/volunteers to help us with demolition, reconstruction and beautification. :) 

 This is the living room. The upstairs formal living room. We wont be doing much in here except CHRISTMAS!! Unfortunately the fire place has been closed up so it's not in working order. We would like to put an electric one in there so we can still enjoy the fireplace atmosphere. But that might have to wait until we get more mulah. But check out those windows!! All the windows!! And they're all new! SO many many windows! Where I'm standing when I took this pic is right about where the front door is. The door you see is the door into the office and to the left is the dining room.

 And now reverse. Front door, hallway to bedrooms & bathroom. We have a coat closet too. :) It's the little things in life. I love where we live now because it's our family home but it's going to be nice to have lots of space to put all the stuff I managed to collect over the years. My mom has been absolutely wonderful for letting us stay there as long as we have and we've really enjoyed it. Thanks Mom <3
 Errrrr. so this is a close up picture of the bathroom & guest room. I can't believe we're going to have a guest room. We technically have a guest room in our current apartment but unfortunately it's been the catch all for all my stuff so no one could really stay in there. I honestly think the guest room might be my favorite room in the house because it's meant for all my favorite people. I expect lots of visitors once it's livable!
And this BEAUTIFUL new dresser will go in the guest room. Mom and I stopped at an antique shop on our way home from Lisa's baby shower (which was lovely by the way) and found this piece. She got it as a house warming gift for us. love love love it! It's so perfect! 

This is said guest room. It has 2 windows. And I'll paint it and make it look all pretty and stuff. Stay tuned for updates on the house renovations.

Bathroom - the lovely pink tub is coming out ASAP. Not that I don't like pink but it's not pretty enough for all the work it needs.

And this is our room. I think the previous owners were really into pink. Notice the ceiling fan? I think that's going to end up going in the guest room. I'm not big on fans. As a matter of fact I HATE when wind blows on me while I'm trying to sleep. It makes my hair go all over my face and then I feel like there are bugs crawling on me and I spaz out. It's just no good.

These are the stair that head down into the basement. OOOOhhhhhhhh AAAHHHhhhhhh new carpet! Nice!

And this is the basement. Well one side of it. We have a grand master plan for this space and I CAN NOT wait for it to come together.  

See- master plan post-it note! I love that the only thing that's decipherable on this is where my record player is. Clearly marked. It's going right there end of story! LOLand yes, that's my 12 year old boy handwriting.

Ok this is the other side of the basement. Storage, and stuff. yeah. 

Yay! You made it through the tour!! I'm so very excited. I've already had offers from some friends to help us with some of the construction type things. Yippppppeeee! Not only do we get to work on our new house but I get to spend some quality time with good friends. 

Stay tuned for updated pictures and house warming party details!! 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day!

I had uploaded a post last night that I thought would cover me for today but I just have so much I want to talk about. LOL That and I've had several requests to share the cupcake recipes from last night.
I made Guinness & Baileys cupcakes & Strawberry Pop Tart cupcakes. Yummmmmm - sneak peak.

I should start by saying thanks for the interest in my cupcake sweatshirts! How cool is that. I'm so excited that people will be wearing them all over the country. :) I always type sweetshirts and then the little red squigly line shows up to correct my spelling. Well you know what?! I like sweetshirts better. Deal with it.

I'm glad you guys don't have to read these in real time. I just took a 3 minute break so I could sing along with Jack Johnson. Ok, maybe more than 3 minutes. So why don't we get together, so we could waste everything....lalalalalala. My desk dancing is really something in itself. I basically just bounce up and down to the music. I bet that's what I do most of the time when I dance anyways : /
And now Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah is playing. Have you ever heard them? They are strange but really catchy. Here - check this out and tell me it didn't gee stuck in your head......

Just clap your the milk and honey.......
Ack. Sorry, I'm back. :) Easily distracted. Back to the blog. 

Justin really nailed it this Valentines Day. I am never quite sure what to expect from him on holidays. Last year he basically forgot my birthday (which I will never ever ever let him live down) and then when he did get me a gift he got me a flash drive and a bumper sticker. I know all you girls out there have audibly gasped out loud at this point. It's ok tho - he made up for it. On Christmas.... LOL. Anyways we decided to open gifts last night because Justin had to be to work at 9 this morning and I certainly didn't want to get up that early. We did cards and coffee this morning. This is what he got me - 

A cool little portable speaker so I can listen to my jams at work. 

This adorable sign. Lately I've been obsessed with teal. And owls. And always, the moon. It's perfect. 

When we lived in Seattle I painted owls on our wall in the bathroom I loved how they turned out and miss those little guys. See - 

Justin also made me this picture. He painted the frame, cut the fabric and laid out the letters. I love it. I can list the things I love on one hand. In no particular order they are 1.My Horse 2. My Family 3. Coffee 
 4. The Beatles and 5. My Friends. So I thought it was really sweet that he picked a Beatles quote. 

On top of that he sent me flowers at work and got me a gift card to the coffee shop next door. Smart man! He also got me the Tigers hoodie that he has owed me for 2 years now. I made a deal that I would watch the first 3 star wars movies if he got me a tigers hoodie. Never again folks, never again. LOL

And this is pretty silly. we got each other the same card! From 2 separate stores. I had to laugh when I opened mine. Guess that's what soul mates is all about. 

Pretty awesome Valentines Day if you ask me. Tonight the farrier comes out to check Miss Muffin out and he will hopefully give us the go ahead to start working her again. She's been a huge bundle of energy lately and I'm sure she wants to get out and run around. I'm so glad to see her on the mend. Silly horse. 

Let's talk cupcakes. I posted a few pictures of the cupcakes I made last night and got a few requests for the recipes. I'm happy to share and I really hope you try them out! Also, pics or it didn't happen! 

I'll start with the Strawberry Pop Tart ones:
This is a recipe that I followed to a T - I don't usually do that. I generally just wing it and guesstimate. Guess I was being nice :)

Vanilla Cake:
White Cake Mix
2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/4 cup oil
1 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup sour cream
3 teaspoons vanilla extract

I dumped it all in my mixing bowl and let it mix away. Scrape the bottom of the bowl on occasion with a spatula. Then mix some more. Once thoroughly mixed and in your cupcake pans bake at 325 for 20 minutes. I like to bake mine for longer at a lower temp because it seems like if I don't they explode. Ick. 
After you pull them out of the over let them cool. And no "still sort of warm-ish" isn't cool enough for frosting. 
Once cool mix a bit of water with some powdered sugar until it's a thick sort of paste. 
2 Tablespoons hot water
1 1/4 cup powdered sugar
It's easiest if you put your glaze in a small round bowl. You'll then dip your cupcake (upside down) into the glaze and let the excess run off. I get bored after awhile so I twirl them around and try to make designs on the bowl. Once they are all glazed let them sit for 20 minutes or so until the glaze gets stiff. 

Strawberry Buttercream:
1 cup butter, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 box strawberry jello
3-4 cups powdered sugar

Bring your butter to room temp or softened. Whip it real good in your mixer until it is smooth. add 2 cups powdered sugar & gradually add more until it's frosting like. Add 1 tablespoon water to your box of jello and mix well. Let sit until your ready for it. Add aprox 4 tablespoons milk to your frosting and then whip for 5 minutes on medium speed to fluff it up a bit. Then dump your strawberry mix in. Mix it well and you should be ready to frost some cupcakes. 
I generally go with the Wilton 2D tip when I'm decorating. It's the big guy. 

Then if you want to get super fancy buy some strawberry pop tarts and while pretending your Godzilla and your smashing all the little houses break them into bite sized pieces for decoration. 

Like so:

check out that icing! Totally worth that extra 20 minutes. 

RIP Pop Tart. NOM NOM NOM ! 

On to the Guinness Cupcakes:
1 cup Guinness beer (Bonus: the cans have 2 cups of beer in them. What on earth should you do with the extra cup??)
2 sticks unsalted butter
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1/2 cup sour cream

Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat until the butter melts. Add the Guinness and mix well.  Add cocoa powder and whisk until smooth.  Remove from heat and set aside.
Combine the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, eggs and sour cream.  Beat until combined. Like in a mixer, not in an emotionally damaging way. Get it together people!  Add the beer mixture to the eggs and beat again, until combined. 
Fill cupcake liners about 2/3 full with batter.  Bake at 325 until a toothpick, knife, spaghetti or any other pointy object inserted in the middle comes out clean – about 20 minutes.  Let cool in the pan for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

For the Frosting:
2 stick unsalted butter
4 cups powdered sugar
5 tablespoons Bailey’s Irish Cream (or to your taste) And by to your taste I seriously mean taste this while gradually adding booze. It is really easy to go overboard and get drunk off your cupcakes. Just saying...........

To make the frosting:  Place the butter in mixer and beat on medium-high speed until fluffy, about 3 minutes.  Slowly add the powdered sugar to the bowl and continue beating until completely incorporated.  Add the Bailey’s and mix until smooth, adding more if necessary to get the desired consistency for frosting. Feel free to add milk to thin it out and fluff it up a bit. You don't have to keep pouring booze in. But you could pour yourself a drink if you'd like. 
Frost the cupcakes as desired.

I made a Baileys Butterscotch gnoche and it just about knocked me over when I tasted it. I recommend adding less baileys to this. 
 2 cups butterscotch chips
1/3 cup Baileys

Throw your chips in the microwave in 15 second intervals until melted. Then mix well and add baileys. mix mix mix until it's a thick syrup consistency. The easy way to add the drizzle is to put your gnoche in a ziplock baggie and cut the corner off. 

Here's a disclaimer - by this point you have more than likely finished the Guinness you didn't use, made yourself a Baileys and coffee and had several tastings of your frosting and gnoche. Bake responsibly! Just because you can't feel your fingers and you've been dancing around the kitchen like an idiot the oven is still very hot! VERY HOT! Don't grab sh*t without oven mits on. Also don't continue to wear the over mits and pretend you're a seal. No one needs to see that. 

Pics or it didn't happen -

So there you have it. Any questions? Enjoy! 


Happy Valentines Day!

If you're not feeling the love today just know that I love you and I am sending you a virtual hug!

see....... hug! 

Also, this is one of my very favorite youtube finds! I think I cried the first 3 or 4 times I watched it. It's so sweet. Take a few minutes to check it out and feel the love. 


Happy Valentines Bloggy Friends! 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sometimes things break...

and sometimes you put them back together!

Basically, I'm feeling better! Yippee. I'm such a baby when it comes to being sick. I spent all day Sunday on the couch watching Tanked, and That 70's Show. But after a full day of rest I pulled my head out from under the blankets and I could breathe again. I'm not 100% but I'm feeling well enough to start tickle fights and crush Justin in Monopoly. I bought "The Office" version of Monopoly for Christmas because I watched 8 season in 2 weeks and I was crazy obsessed for awhile. Then I realized that I had no clue how to play monopoly. No worries tho, I still dominated. It got to the point that Justin didn't have any money or properties left so I was making him get me juice and rub my back to pay off his debts. We almost got to the point where he had to paint my nails but he refused. It was awesome. :)

I'm working on this thing where I tell people how I'm actually feeling. It's tough. I've always been nice, and quiet, and mellow. I'm never rude, or snappy, or mean. Ever. I don't have it in me. The only time I get pissy is behind closed doors and I think Mom and Justin are the only ones that ever hear my full rants. I may gripe and complain from time to time to friends but you guys get the cliff note version. Well that's changing. I've had some people in my life lately that have seriously let me down or done shady things that aren't acceptable from friends. A few of the issues I've let go but the ones that really get under my skin I have brought up and called people out on. I hate it. I hate being tough and confrontational. However, talking it out and hearing both sides has made me feel much better. It has also helped me decipher between the people that are important and I want to keep and the ones that it's time to let go of. Even talking about this right now is making me uncomfortable. More than likely those of you that are reading this, I'm keeping :) I have decided tho that I need to get out and make some more friends. I have a really small group here is Gaylord and I want to mingle and expand. LOL Now this sounds like a creepy craigslist ad. 26 year old female, looking for fun, laid back, non drug using friends. Weeelllllllll now that it got awkward I'm moving on.

Cupcake Wars was on Saturday. There were 8 teams that showed up and everyone had really awesome displays. We didn't win but I bet we were close. Our bucket was full of chips. Here are a couple pics:

Alpenfrost 2013 - This was the welcoming ice sculpture as people entered the activities area. 

This is our Ice Tree. They build it every year and as winter goes on the tree gets bigger. It's basically a metal frame that has hoses running thru it. It's cool, sometimes it's HUGE! But when it starts to melt it looks really really sad. 

Cupcakes - Triple Chocolate, Vanilla Snowflake & Dark Chocolate Peppermint Twist.  

Little mini guys. I made roughly 360 of them.  

I made one big cupcake of each for the display. 

I thought these ones turned out super cute. Justin spent oven an hour cutting all those little fondant snowflakes out.  

Justin's mom, Colleen and my mom, Carla showing off our goods.  

Cute right!? 

I also had some super cute sweatshirts made up that had different sayings on them. Angel over at Make it Mine Design totally hooked me up and make these look awesome. 

This was Brendas:




and Colleens:  

The sleeve had Muffins Cupcakes down the side. And under that it said Jan's Deli. 

The gang! We looked super snazzy and everyone got a kick out of them.  

For you bloggy friends I decided if you'd like one I would offer them for $20. That seriously just covers materials and labor but I'd love to see them all over the place. Ohhhh.... Maybe I'll do a contest. If you can think of another witty cupcake saying and I love it I'll send you a sweatshirt of your choice. What do you think? Anyways if you'd like one let me know. We can mix & match colors/sayings. :)


Friday, February 8, 2013


Hi Bloggy friends,

I haven't been on in several days because I am a hot boogery, slimey, coughy, sneezy mess. Haha I bet that's not what you bargained for. You came to read about cupcakes and sunshine and I'm telling you how gross and sick I am. Sorry 'bout that.

Justin and I have been up to a whole lot of shenanigans lately. I don't want to divulge too much because I am one of those people that believes the more you spread the news the less likely it is to happen.  Hopefully in a week or two I will be able to spill my guts (not in the gross sick way) and tell you all about it! Stay tuned. :) All I gotta say is I'm making 2013 my biotch. (err......sorry for the curse if you're reading this Mom.)

Gosh, what have I been up to lately? The other day I made Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes and German Chocolate Cupcakes. Super easy.

For the German Chocolate I used a box of german chocolate cake mix, 4 eggs, 1 1/4 cup milk & 1/3 cup melted butter. Mix, mix, mix, bake, bake, bake. Bake at 320 for 20 minutes. Pull them out & let them cool. I made a standard chocolate butter cream to line the outer edge with and then I put a scoop of german chocolate frosting in the middle. nom nom nom.

This is baby Laney. She's grown a bit since these were taken and we are currently not on speaking terms since she bit me in the neck the other day. I'll stop being grumpy about it when I can no longer see the evidence of her vampire attempt on my thought. She is really adorable tho.

Back to the cupcakes - Pineapple Upside Down Cake. 
1 box vanilla cake mix, 4 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup pineapple juice, OH MY GOD! IF I HAVE TO USE ANOTHER KLEENEX I'M GOING TO FREAK!!! (sorry, just spazing out over here) and 1/2 cup melted butter. Mix, mix, mix. Line your cupcake pan with liners and add some chopped pineapple chunks and 1 maraschino cherry to the bottom. Pour batter over top & bake @ 320 for 20 minutes. 
I topped these with a brown sugar butter cream. 


There they are - cherry and all. :)

Side note: Barbie came out with a line of wedding gowns Seeeee......

What do you think? Would you rock one? I liked the shiney striped one until a friend of mine said it made them think of Beetlejuice. Then my feelings for it were gone. Shrug. 

Wow, I'm awful scatterbrained today. Think I need to get back to work and focus my energy on one task at a time. 

OH MY GOSH! I totally forgot to tell you! Tomorrow I am going to be participating in Alpenfrost Cupcake Wars. Basically there are 10-12 teams. We all have to make 300 mini cupcakes. 100 chocolate, 100 vanilla, and 100 peppermint. Then whoever has an Alpenfrost pin gets to taste all the cupcakes and cast their vote. If you are in or around the Gaylord area please stop by and VOTE for Me! The prizes aren't much but the competitive side of me would love to beat some of the other teams. :) They will be delicious and adorable I promise! The tent opens at 2:30 and is located under the pavilion! Come on out! :)

Thanks for dropping by!
