Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome to the Casa!

We are closing on our band new, super awesome, appliance missing house on Monday! Yippee!!

First of all I would like to clarify that since Justin and I are neither married nor engaged we will not be calling this house the Hacker residence or the Parkes manor. That being said we need to come up with a super sweet nickname for the house so when I invite people over I can be like "Hey you wanna swing by the party den later?" Not party den tho, that sounds stupid. Pinball Playroom? Yuck! That sounds like so many bad things I don't even want to type them out. BDubs? Nope, already taken. Pez Factory? Also weird. I want it to sound relaxing but also like there are many crazy fun adventures to be had. And no, Megan and Justin's house doesn't make the cut either. Cupcake Machine? No, that makes it sound like every time you come over I'm going to make you do manual labor. Maybe I need to give it some time. Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments below.

On to the grand tour!

This is it! Our little slice of heaven. Located right in town. Aprox. 6 blocks from downtown. The cool/strange thing is our road, and the one right behind us is "out of town" meaning we aren't in the city limits. Also meaning yeah cheaper taxes!! Once spring hits I want to paint the shutters and trim around the garage. I don't care for the dark paint but if that's the only thing about the house that bugs me so be it! 

This is our dining room. My mom thinks the chandelier is the most atrocious thing she's ever seen but I love it!  It just needs to be cleaned up some. I've already picked out the perfect dining room table. We can comfortably seat 6. And uncomfortably seat 8. :)
This is our brand new OFFICE!!!! For those of you that have been in our current apartment you know why I am soooooooooo excited to have an actual office. Our work stuff has taken over the living room and I am constantly feeling like I need to do more work. It'll be so nice to have a space that when I go in I can close the door, buckle down, and get sh*t done. But also a space that when I want to relax I can close the door and not have to think about it. Yay office!! Oh another cool thing about it is there is a door to the garage so we can back the car up and unload the photo booth stuff directly into it's home. No more dragging it all over the house.
This is the kitchen. Where I will be doing kitchen-y type things. We still need to get a fridge but that's no biggie. On the wall directly to the right we are going to punch a hole in it and make it a pass through space from the living room to the kitchen. There will also be a lower counter and the stove will be there so I can prep and bake to my hearts content. Now accepting applications/volunteers to help us with demolition, reconstruction and beautification. :) 

 This is the living room. The upstairs formal living room. We wont be doing much in here except CHRISTMAS!! Unfortunately the fire place has been closed up so it's not in working order. We would like to put an electric one in there so we can still enjoy the fireplace atmosphere. But that might have to wait until we get more mulah. But check out those windows!! All the windows!! And they're all new! SO many many windows! Where I'm standing when I took this pic is right about where the front door is. The door you see is the door into the office and to the left is the dining room.

 And now reverse. Front door, hallway to bedrooms & bathroom. We have a coat closet too. :) It's the little things in life. I love where we live now because it's our family home but it's going to be nice to have lots of space to put all the stuff I managed to collect over the years. My mom has been absolutely wonderful for letting us stay there as long as we have and we've really enjoyed it. Thanks Mom <3
 Errrrr. so this is a close up picture of the bathroom & guest room. I can't believe we're going to have a guest room. We technically have a guest room in our current apartment but unfortunately it's been the catch all for all my stuff so no one could really stay in there. I honestly think the guest room might be my favorite room in the house because it's meant for all my favorite people. I expect lots of visitors once it's livable!
And this BEAUTIFUL new dresser will go in the guest room. Mom and I stopped at an antique shop on our way home from Lisa's baby shower (which was lovely by the way) and found this piece. She got it as a house warming gift for us. love love love it! It's so perfect! 

This is said guest room. It has 2 windows. And I'll paint it and make it look all pretty and stuff. Stay tuned for updates on the house renovations.

Bathroom - the lovely pink tub is coming out ASAP. Not that I don't like pink but it's not pretty enough for all the work it needs.

And this is our room. I think the previous owners were really into pink. Notice the ceiling fan? I think that's going to end up going in the guest room. I'm not big on fans. As a matter of fact I HATE when wind blows on me while I'm trying to sleep. It makes my hair go all over my face and then I feel like there are bugs crawling on me and I spaz out. It's just no good.

These are the stair that head down into the basement. OOOOhhhhhhhh AAAHHHhhhhhh new carpet! Nice!

And this is the basement. Well one side of it. We have a grand master plan for this space and I CAN NOT wait for it to come together.  

See- master plan post-it note! I love that the only thing that's decipherable on this is where my record player is. Clearly marked. It's going right there end of story! LOLand yes, that's my 12 year old boy handwriting.

Ok this is the other side of the basement. Storage, and stuff. yeah. 

Yay! You made it through the tour!! I'm so very excited. I've already had offers from some friends to help us with some of the construction type things. Yippppppeeee! Not only do we get to work on our new house but I get to spend some quality time with good friends. 

Stay tuned for updated pictures and house warming party details!! 



Leave me some love, ideas, or a funny joke :)