First off I'd really like to say thank you, thank you, thank you for all the excitement and enthusiasm about the house. We haven't closed yet.... dun dun dunnnn. It was supposed to happen on Monday but the title company is running behind so we are waiting on them. Our realtor, who has been really great, thinks we will be able to get it done sometime this week but he's not sure when. I think it'll be one of those things that all of a sudden is like Blue Team, go go go!!! It's closing time!!! but that's just me. I'd love to live in a world where sounds effects and theme music were a reality.
Justin and I sat down the other night and made a whole list of things we'd like to accomplish before we move in so for those of you that have volunteered to help do not fret, we have plenty of work for all of you. :) I'm amazed at you guys. SO many of you stepped up and offered to help paint, knock walls down, do electrical things and fix some plumbing issues. You're so swell!
Speaking of things I'm grateful for - we did an exercise in church the other day where we all shared our favorite thing about our congregation. For me it was the fact that our church has been part of my family since the 40's. That's really incredible. My Grandpa's brother was the first man from Gaylord to die in world war 2 so our church library is named in his honor. My mom is even on her way to becoming a church elder. Then a few days later during our LCM (Leading Congregations in Mission) meeting we each said something to the other members about a skill they had that that we appreciated. (There are only 8 people in this group). I got a little choked up when it was my turn to speak because I realized we don't focus on the positive often enough. Of course, at Thanksgiving we all count our blessings and give our praises to everyone and everything we know but how often do we do it the rest of the year? Not often enough. One of the nicest compliments I got during that discussion was that they appreciated how in love Justin and I are. It seems like a funny thing to have someone else tell you but it really is true. The gal that gave me the compliment is in her 30's, is married and has 2 girls. She said it is always a nice reminder that she doesn't have to be a stiff married person and that seeing us be so in love makes her love her husband more. WOW! If that isn't the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. I have friends that put Justin and I's public lovey-ness to shame. *CoughCoughTiffandAlCoughCough* and every time we spend time with them it's a reminder to me to squeeze Justin a little harder next time I get the chance.
My friends are another thing I am hugely grateful for. I have some true blue, thick and thin, never going anywhere friends. Thank you. My friends have taught me how to stick up for myself, how to speak my mind, how to walk away from bad situations, and how to forgive. They have helped me move, supported me endlessly, and picked me up during blizzards (literally and metaphorically). All with out questioning, expecting, lecturing or being mad. I have learned from each person I have truly let into my life. That in itself isn't easy for me. I had a few work friends tell me once that it's like they can only get so close. They learn so much and then they hit a wall. What can I say, I'm human. I'm afraid of being hurt and let down. So really, for those of you that persisted, pushed and weaseled your way into my life, thank you. There's also those friends that were close at one point and then we drifted apart. Although it makes me sad that we may not be as close as we once were I'm still thankful for the times we shared.
As always, Family. My mom is my #1. There's no way to express in words the amount of gratitude, love, respect and admiration I have for her. I learned to be the caring, independent, professional person I am from her. She never let the fact that she was a single mother slow her down in any way. She never used it as an excuse or discounted time with me because she was too busy. I wish I had paid more attention to all the things she had to do on a daily basis when I was younger. I know that even thought I brought every animal under the sun home and promised to take care of them, that really, it meant more work for me. I know that wanting horse riding lessons was not only a time commitment but a financial one as well and she stuck with it as long as I did. When we lived in Arizona mom used to take me to Einstein Bagels in the morning for breakfast. By about the third day I had come home with a whole list of things kids in my class wanted. I'm sure she was thinking "are you serious Megan?!" but she and I went to Einsteins the next morning and fulfilled everyone's order. Her kind heart never turned anyone away. When I grow up if I can say that I turned out just like my mother that means I did something right.
More about family..... I am thrilled to be an honorary member of the Hacker family. Even though I'm still not sure if Grandma Rita loves me or hates me they are an amazing family. Ron and Colleen have hearts that would give, and give, and give, and even when they ran out of things to give they would give some more. They raised Justin to be an incredibly loving and caring person. It's true that you emulate your surroundings. Ron and Colleen are helping us with the purchase of the our home. They are also helping with repairs and whatnot. We owe many thanks to them.
I am also thankful for...............THE BEATLES! What? Lol. I really am. Sometimes I wish that I would have been born in a different generation so I could have experienced them in full magnitude but then I think that if I had been alive when they were huge I would have been 'too cool' to like them. So I am just as thankful that I appreciate them now. The Beatles get me through everything. Love, sadness, hyper active road trips and more.
And you guys! I am constantly surprised at the amount of people that actually read this. It comes up in the strangest ways. I got an email from one of our brides that wanted to know how the closing went because she read my blog. Apparently my mom has emailed it to my entire family so I've been getting little notes of congratulations and encouragement. Justin comes home and says that all of his coworkers want to come to the house warming party and are volunteering to help because they read the blog. HI Zip's Gals!
It's just amazing. I'm sure every time you log in you don't know what to expect but you keep coming back. I love it. Thanks to the people that actually admit they read it. And for you sneaky people that never say anything but then suddenly I've gone from 30 to 60 views, I will figure out who you are. :) Seriously, you guys are the coolest.
Well I think I should sign off now. Oh, and Muffin is doing much better. :) She is back out in her regular pasture with the other horses. She's running, jumping and kicking up her horsey heels. The farrier was amazed with how well she's doing. He says I can start working her lightly again and I should even be able to start riding soon. Wow. I honestly thought we were going to lose her and she just bounced back like nothing ever happened. Another reminder of appreciating what you have.
Also, here's a song for you. :)
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