Thursday, March 14, 2013

Update Central

It's been awhile since I wrote last because nothing new has happened.

Well today something great happened!! We closed on our house. Yippee!
After lots and lots of hours spent worrying about it we finally made it. Got the keys to prove it.
I can't wait to get in there are get to work on it. We might even stick a tent in the living room and have a sleep over tonight. Yes, I know, we're like 12. Here are some happy pictures from the occasion.....

Our realtor had to go get the keys from the other gal so he went and opened up the house & left us a cute little card. Our first piece of mail. :) Oh, and a sweet gift card to Lowes. Thanks Mike! Hmmm.....what to buy, what to buy.....

This is just an adorable picture of Justin and I being adorable. So there. Key-sltoe? Kiss-ltoe? Whatev. 

And this is me just showing off......
That's right, double wall oven. What now cupcakes, you don't stand a chance! I am going to bake the snot out of some cupcakes once my kitchen is finished.

So the funny thing about picking out appliances was I've never done it before. How am I supposed to know what all those numbers, phrases and whatevers mean? We started by saying what we wanted and didn't want about things. I didn't want a side by side fridge, Justin didn't want a top load washer. I did want a double oven, there was no question about that. And Justin wanted a fireman pole or a slide to the basement from the guest room. Sometimes in a loving relationship you have to say "no, and never ever are you ever allowed to set foot in the guest room. And none of your friends need to spend the night in the guestroom ever. Guest rooms are for pretty things, and girls, and quiet activities." I know it sounds a little harsh so we came to an agreement. Justin can use the guest room for reading or naps. LOL. Gosh I'm so tough. I even went as far as saying that when Justin was in the dog house (which he's never been) he wasn't allowed to sleep in there, he had to sleep on the lumpy couch. Hahah well now that I'm telling you guys it makes me sound really mean. But I wasn't being mean, I was kidding........ sort of. :) Back to the story. After we talked about all the things we wanted we went to ABC Warehouse because Justin has a friend that works there. We priced out all of our dream appliances and the bill was astronomical. We needed to rethink. We then went to Sears and talked to a nice gal there that told us about the friends and family sale that was happening March 11th. 15% off everything on top of the sales that were already going on. That sounded like a pretty sweet deal to me. So after more investigating and research I made a big 'ol list of what we wanted and we went to Sears. We ended up saving $1600 and our bill was under $5,000 for a fridge, double wall oven, cooktop stove, washer, dryer, and water heater. I was thrilled with the savings. Justin didn't care either way. He just wanted me to pick out what we needed and be happy about it. The only question he had for me after we paid the bill was "what does our fridge look like?" He's such a gem. :) I can't wait until our new kitchen is all blinged out and awesome. Then I'm going to bake my heart out. 

I've still been making cupcakes. I know I haven't said much about it lately but I've been busy. Last weekend I made 10 dozen for a friends wedding shower. They only had to take 30 home at the end of the day. That's a lot of happy cupcake eaters. I made homemade funfetti (a crowd pleasing favorite), red velvet (a lovers cupcake) and s'mores (when is summer coming? Is it ever coming? will we ever be warm again? is there going to be snow for the rest of my life? is this the ice age? ahhhhhhh). 
Side note: Axe body spray should come with a portion control nozzle. wowza. 
I also made another enormous batch of Guinness and Baileys cupcakes for St. Patty's Day. I can't believe that's coming up already. I wonder if my tutu still fits? 

Let's call today - upload embarrassing pictures of yourself so the world can see them day. 

Anywho, here's a pic of the stash of Guinness cupcakes I made the other day. 
I had one cupcake that wouldn't fit in the case so I played a fun game on facebook. Whoever could tell me the best leprechaun joke could have the extra one. I would mail it & everything. The winner was Colleen from Kalamazoo with this joke : Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun? 

Because they're always a little short! HAHAHA I'm still laughing! 
So this is what she won:
I put it in the freezer overnight because I thought it might ship better that way. Then this morning I stuck it in a box and off it went. The only problem is overnight shipping was almost $25 soooo..... I sent it 2 day for $5. :) Hopefully it's not a crazy sugar coated mess by the time it get's to her on Saturday. :) 
I'm going to play the game again so stay tuned. It's fun. I like jokes and you guys like free cupcakes. Shazam!

What I don't like is when it's 11 pm and I'm starting to make frosting and then I realize there is no butter. None. Zero. Zilch. No butter anywhere. By 11pm I don't want to have to run back out to the store. I just want to make the frosting and be done with it. This is the face I make when I have no butter:
Like seriously? No butter anywhere? Uuuggghhhhhhhhh!!!! You can see all the cupcakes on the rack behind me just waiting to be frosted. 

And this is the face I make after I attempt to make frosting out of fake melted butter stuff and it ends up all gooey and gross and melted and nothing whips up and it was a big waste of time and ugh!!! 
By that point I was sleepy and grumpy. Notice one eye is sleepy and the other is grumpy. This is not a good look for me. Not so much. 

Well I think that's about all I have for now. I really should get back to work. Hope you are all having a wonderful day! 



  1. Did you go get the butter?

  2. Eventually yes, but I had to go back and finish them the next day after work.


Leave me some love, ideas, or a funny joke :)