This blog may be very uninteresting to those of you who don't care about what I did with my life for the past year. However, for those of you that do...... this may still be boring. Best of luck my friends.
1. Let's start with the most recent and most obvious. I got pink hair! I've had several mixed reviews/reactions about my new do. Most people like it but about 10% of people ask me if I've gone totally crazy. Truth: I've wanted pink hair for the last 8 years or so. This is the first time in a long time that I haven't had a meeting coming up, or a gig, or an event, or a shoot, etc. so I did it! And you know what?! I totally dig it! And I don't care if you like it or not. So there.

2. Probably the second most obvious..... I got married! There's this guy that I've known for awhile and one day we were like 'hey, we should totally get married', and I was like 'yessssssssssssssssss, got one!'. That's not how it happened at all but it is still pretty awesome and pretty crazy. I tried at least 3 times to get Justin to elope, but since that wouldn't work we had a crazy cool camping wedding. All the awesome people in our lives came and we had a great time. There was fire dancing, a drum circle, a ceremony, and lots of food. It was perfect.

3. Another crazy thing we did...... we went to Ireland! (All thanks to my amazing in-laws). When we first started thinking about a honeymoon a friend asked where we were going to go. I told her 'I'd love to go to Ireland but we may go back to Seattle to visit friends'. Her response was 'really? dreaming big?'. I was pretty offended by that comment because when have I not been a dreamer? Like, c'mon! Also, I'm pretty stellar at finding travel deals. So we made it work and we went, and it was awesome! It was also really crazy because I had to do all of the driving. I still feel like I should have gotten some sort of trophy for not having any scratches, dings, or dents on the car when we returned it.

4. We adopted/fostered a dog! From some dude we didn't know. Like I gave him our address and he brought the dog over, and that was that. It was actually with a program called Dogs on Deployment. What they do is they set up foster care for pets when their owners get deployed. Pretty awesome if you ask me. We didn't really know anything about the dog other that she was an adorable yellow lab! She turned 1 while she was staying with us so she had lots of energy. Thankfully she didn't chew up too much stuff and Gene didn't end up being a serial killer.
It's safe to say I did a lot of other stuff last in 2014 but since I'm already so late with this post I'll call it good for now.
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