Thursday, April 18, 2013

What's In the bag?

Since I've started this bloggy blog I've opened up about my personal life quite a bit. As you've noticed I've taken you into my home and given you the grand tour. SO why not show you what I carry around everyday. Be prepared to be puzzled! 

A. My super-duper Timbuk2 bag. I love it. This is what all the hipsters in Seattle have lol. We use them for all our camera gear and photo booth equipment too. 
B. Books and magazines. Because you can't trust anyone that didn't bring a book. I have the winter issue of Up North Brides magazine, Real Simple Weddings, and Eat, Pray, Love that Katie let me borrow and I haven't even had a chance to open yet. 
C. My Compy 2000. My computer is more of a life line than my phone. It has every contract, picture and design I've done. Plus music, very legally paid for music..... Oh, and a sticker of a gnome holding a hot dog. For no other reason than "why not?!". 
D. Cough drops - for 2 reasons - 1) I talk a lot and 2) I drink a lot of coffee so sometimes I get stinky coffee breath. 
E. This might be the most random part - toys. Little cupcake mazes and sinning tops. You never know when a bride will bring their kids that can't sit still or when you go out to eat and the toddler behind you keeps poking at you. Give them a toy and everyone is happy. 
F. More magazines. HGTV DIY, in case you haven't heard yet we're remodeling our new home. Bunny Tuxedos new catalog, and another Real Simple. Did you know you could hang old CD's from your trees with fishing line and it'll scare off the birds? Ya do now! 
G. Sparkle notebook! Because I write a lot of notes and I doodle a lot. a lot. :)
H. A paper swatch sampler from our printing company. Because I have no idea what pearl paper looks like. 
I. E-6000 the worlds mightiest craft glue ever!! It's in my bag because I had to glue the sole back onto one of our test tux shoes. 
J. Nail polish........... sometimes when I'm grumpy I paint my nails and I feel better. 

A. I'm a lover of all things coach. So of course I have a dandy coach purse. 
B. Random necklace. I guess you never know when you'll need one. I can live without a necklace but if I ever leave the house without earrings I feel like a naked alien. 
C. My May Designs planner. I love love love this company. You get to design your own planner/address book/etc. If you are a planner freak like I am I would totally recommend them. Also, the mini camera is a flash drive. 
D. This little pouch thing hold all my random junk. 
E. Cluster of keys. And unicorn key covers, duh! As I'm putting this list together it's occurring to me that I might be more of a girly girl than I thought. 
F. Head Lamp. Well it seems like at least once a week I end up saying "man I wish I had a head lamp". so now I do. Good for late night geo-caching. 
G. Coach wallet. Good for holding checkbooks and monies. 
H. Random central: mini hair clippy (for lion hair), random outlet cover (I don't know why this is in my purse, I picked it up off the floor somewhere), and a stone turtle. The lady at the palm reading place said it was my spirit animal. 
I. Mini lotion (for my ashy elbows), and strawberry tic-tacs. Weirdest things ever - don't do it!
J. Moments Photo Booth rack cards. Shameless promoting. 
K. Teal sunnies! 'Cause I'm a stunner! (who says that?)
L. Another flash drive

This is the random little pouch in my purse that I keep all the little stuff in. 

A. Cupcake sparkle lip gloss! No Explanation needed :) 
B. A stretchy head band, because at any point my hair could take over and decide it wants to be a lion instead. 
C. Kleenex, my mom keeps me stocked. 
D. Errr.... I didn't realize until I had cleaned my purse out just how much gloss I had. I suppose my color choice depends on my mood? Not really, it's just whichever one happens to be on top. 
E. Silver paint pen, purple fine point sharpie pen (you never know when you're going to need to make something permanent), and eyeshadow brush(?).
F. Tampons. Sorry to those of you that are now saying "I didn't need to know that". I'm a girl, and obviously by the amount I carry around there was one point in time that I needed one and didn't have it. It's a girl thing. 
G. is for Gum. Want to know a secret? There's no gum in there. That thing has been empty for weeks now.  
H. Stamps. I still believe in snail mail!! 

Well there you have it. All the weird, sparkly, random stuff in my life. 



  1. Where did you get those sunglasses? I love them!

  2. I found them at Maurices! Basically I put them on my face & said - Yup! I need these.

    Teal is my new color.||&productId=18971106


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