Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I have a folder full of cupcakes!

About a year ago I swung into the local deli/market and was offered a trial run at a cupcake career under one condition, I have to make some Guinness & Bailey's cupcakes as a taste tester. Pssshhhh..... no problem! A) My boyfriend loves Guinness so I was sure we had some laying around the house and B) I had literally just made some a week earlier. I will admit I was a little nervous and looking back at it now it looked like poo but it was tasty and I got the gig! Many months and thousand of cuppy cakes later I'm still at it. But now they look and taste better than before. (Minus the Tooty Fruity Jelly Belly ones, those were a hot mess!).

So here are a few pictures of some of the things I've made over time......

This must have been from July. DUH! Patriotic cupcakes. Boring chocolate on chocolate cupcakes and Chubby Hubby (adapted from my very favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor)

Chocolate Peanut Butter!! Yum! I honestly think I make the best peanut butter frosting in the world. (This was just after Easter, notice the egg shaped Reese's.) 

Lemon Raspberry, always a crowd favorite.

Triple Chocolate (I like to call them Death by Chocolate or the PMS Special but my boss doesn't care for that as much. Wonder why?)

Oh, and there's these beauties! YUCK! They all look like turds LOL! This was definitely my first big order around Christmas time. I was still trying to figure out my frosting style or something. I'm still sorry for the people that had to eat these. Although, I'm sure they tasted fine. I'm NEWWWWW, I don't know what to DOOOOO. 

Love ya! 

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